
All aspects of the 1st Transnational Round Table on Magnonics, High-Frequency Spintronics, and Ultrafast Magnetism (TRTM 2024) are generously supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the United Kingdom via project “Controlling acoustic metamaterials with magnetic resonances: The best of both worlds” (EP/T016574/1 and EP/T018399/1).
The European Magnetism Association (EMA) provides information support to TRTM 2024 via their website. We encourage all participants of TRTM 2024 to subscribe to EMA’s mailing list, so as to stay up-to-date about this and other upcoming events in magnetism.
MaxLLG is a high-performance 3D electromagnetic (EM) analysis software for designing, analysing and optimizing magnetic components and metamaterial systems. Our code is based on a progressive FDTD technique combining Maxwell and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equations. This combination provides a unique way of doing micromagnetic simulations with electric fields accounted for as part of the solution. The non-linearised LLG gives our code an excellent capability of dealing with non-linear effects. MaxLLG operates as a cloud platform and can be instantly scaled up, benefitting from parallel processing on multiple nodes.
ExTReMag ExTReMag
The Exeter time-resolved magnetism (EXTREMAG) facility is an ultrafast laser facility at the University of Exeter that offers its users variable temperature and high magnetic field environments in a variety of time-domain optical pump-probe, microscopy, and terahertz experiments. Situated in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, EXTREMAG provides access to the ultrafast capabilities and expertise developed over nearly three decades by its magnetic materials and terahertz research groups. The EXTREMAG facility is accessible by means of a short form proposal and allocation of user time is flexible to suit the needs of users. TRTM conference delegates will be able to participate in tours of the facility scheduled during the conference.
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