Welcome to TRTM 2024 !

The research fields of Magnonics, High-Frequency Spintronics, and Ultrafast Magnetism do not need introduction, unlike the format of this conference.

So, what is special about this "Round Table" format?

The aim of the Transnational Round Table on Magnonics, High-Frequency Spintronics, and Ultrafast Magnetism (TRTM) is to offer an inclusive platform for efficient exchange of ideas, knowledge, and expertise in an open-science format that

  • stimulates community building, inter-community dialogue, and cooperative approach to research pathfinding and responsible innovation both within the involved topics and beyond their disciplinary boundaries;
  • lowers barriers for participation related to one's career stage and availability of funding;
  • removes barriers for participation related to irrelevant individual differences.

To achieve this aim, the TRTM features

  • a simplified and transparent structure, described in the Statute that remains fixed through the lifecycle of each edition of the conference;
  • talk invitations by self-nominations (only);
  • four rounds of selection (including very early ones to allow a plenty of time to secure visas, or to make cost-effective travel arrangements);
  • a rotating Scientific Advisory Board;
  • mechanisms for enhanced feedback from the audience;
  • equality, diversity, and inclusion promoted by positive actions, policies, and safeguards.

The first TRTM, i.e. TRTM 2024, is an experiment and bears some risks, as any new beginning. Yet, we hope it will evolve into a conference format that will complement those of traditional academic meetings. We thank everyone who has joined the TRTM's inaugural edition, defining the future of scientific face-to-face dissemination!

And the Best Poster Award goes to:

We do not make favours – we create opportunities!


Important dates

18 June 2023
Welcoming submissions of all types!

8 August 2023
First cut-off date for consideration of self-nominations for invited talks (results communicated during w/c 4 September 2023).

2 October 2023
Second cut-off date for consideration of
self-nominations for invited talks (results: w/c 30 October 2023).

15 November 2023
Early cut-off date for consideration of applications for participation (results: w/c 4 December 2023).

4 December 2023
Third cut-off date for consideration of self-nominations for invited talks (results: w/c 1 January 2024).

5 February 2024
Deadline for submission of self-nominations for invited talks (results: w/c 4 March 2024).

8 March 2024
Deadline for submisison of applications for participation.

9 April 2024
Registration deadline.

3-7 June 2024
TRTM 2024

12 June 2024
Cut-off for feedback return.

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